Tuesday, 21 May 2019

About Shapeshifters

So, as I mentioned in an earlier post on this blog, among the abnormal population, shape shifters (Referred to as Shifters) take up the majority of the population as, due to the war, shifters were able to stay out of site of humanity as they were able to shape shift into humanoid forms to bring less attention to them and therefore, more of them survived than any of the other species

Basically what a shifter does is that they can change between two forms, a humanoid form and an animalistic form, they also gain the abilites based on the animal or creature they turn into. Although, they can only be ONE animal, they can't change the animal they turn into, that is decided based on the parents. For instance if the parents are two bird shifters, the children will also be bird shifters, though they don't always have to be the same type of bird, though that is rare.

While normally, a shifter can freely move between their humanoid form and their animalistic form, there are some who can't and therefor get 'Stuck'.

It's a fairly common thing to happen to shifters, It happens to about 40% of the shifter population at some point in their lives. When they get 'Stuck' they are permanently stuck at the halfway point between the two forms, meaning that they can no longer shift into either form and have limited abilities and in general, look weird or even monstrous (Scary to some)

This tends to happen when shifters try to force themselves to shape shift too soon, due to that, most of that 40% is little kids. Though its also fairly common and likely to the elderly, though it doesn't happen as often to the elderly than little kids.

So yeah! that is what a shifter is and what it means to be 'Stuck'

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