Monday, 29 April 2019

What Abnormals are

This post is to just say exactly WHAT Abnormals are.

Abnormals isn't technically a species, it is a entirely separate race which included MANY different species (A LOT of which tend to more animal based in appearance) including many mammal based species, sea dwelling creatures and even Species based on mythology and folklore.

They were given the name 'Abnormals' by humanity to describe any non-human race than can walk, talk and have intelligence. Though the biggest thing that separates them from well, everything is their MAGIC.

 Abnormals are a inherently magical race, to the point that the world they stand on or whatever is around them (Alive or not) are affected by it, even when they are not actively producing magic.

Apart from the inherent magic they all have, many of the species have types of magic specific to that species which they can use a will and can affect the world around them differently.

Example of that is a shifter, there are a sub-species of Abnormals that have the ability to shift between two different forms at will (Often one is more human-like in appearance) This species is actually currently the majority of the Abnormal Population right now. That is because, due to the war, MANY abnormals were killed, to the point of Abnormals nearly got extinct, but the Shifters were able to survive better since they were able to disguise themselves more due to being able to shift into another, often more human looking form. ALTHOUGH, in current day, Most prefer being in their natural form, not the more humanoid one.

The only reason abnormals came to be is because god felt that humans were starting to become more of a problem to each other, Themselves and the planet he made just for them. So he decided to try to aid by creating a new race to help balance things out and this new race were dubbed as Abormals. At first they were greeted with open arms by the humans. Abormals (as mentioned before) were incredibly magic, which they used to help heal the damage that humans had did so the earth so life could be restored everywhere and fix humanities mistakes. Doing this, they made both the humans lives better and the planet started to heal. The Abnormals were made to be naturally good and wanted nothing more than to help the humans and the planet and they did not inherently have the ability to sin or believe that sin could be done, or at least, none they couldn't heal.

But at some point something changed… After nearly 5 decades of abnormals being among humans the humans turned against them and attacked them. No one is quite sure why this happened as everything seemed just fine up to that point. The abnormals did not expect this and they were not prepared for everything that would happen. This is how the war started between these two races though the abnormals for the most part didn’t fight back and were pretty much unable to defend themselves so they were defeated very easily.

When the war occurred many abnormals lost their lives. Either due to the war itself or were killed off in concentration camps controlled by humans. When things seemed absolutely hopeless and they were at threat of being completely wiped out the remaining survivors fled as far away as they could, to get away from the war and to preserve their race.

They ended up on a large uncharted area of land that was in the middle of the ocean and they decided to try to hide there. God felt remorse for how they were treated and did one last thing for them and created the barrier which is meant to protect them from the outside world. After this god made a vow that he would refrain from intervening with his creations again (Both the Abormals and humanity in general) as he felt bad for what happened and was confused as to why the humans turned against them so suddenly and seemingly over nothing. he was also frankly appalled at what the humans did and all of the sins they committed during the war, So he was pretty much done with everything and thought that just staying out of it would make things better and things would sort out eventually.

The barrier is basically a large globe that spans several countries worth of land where the abnormals all live in.
The abnormals are not able to leave paradise, that is imply due to magic. In paradise, the land itself emits magic, the world outside paradise has none. If abnormals WERE to leave paradise, they would immediately be separated from magic and they will quickly be drained of their magic, which will eventually cause them to be complete drained and die

With the war now put to an end and the majority of the remaining population of abnormals were safely hidden away in the land they now called paradise, things got ok. The remaining abnormal population turned to making their new home a place to live and the land just flourished with the help of their magic and they grown become more and more advanced in their culture, technology and the such unlike the outside world which was left devastated at the abnormals departure and their advancement in these areas went much more slowly.

Even though most of the remaining abnormals now lived safely in Paradise there were still many of them who didn’t get there and were unable to even after nearly a century later. These abnormals had to live in secrete and hide what they are from the humans out of fear. Due to this collectors became a job where a select few people were allowed to exit Paradise for a short period of time to find these stray abnormals and bring them to safety.

Although, unfortunately, the humans that remained after the war would soon realize what they did and how bad they messed up. They even started to regret what they did and many wished for the Abnormals to come back and fix their mistakes while the rest of humanity tore itself and the planet apart and screwed everyone over to the point of no return. Though, in the most recent generation, Abnormals have now become more of a myth, a legend, though many still believe that they were real and would someday come back and fix everything. And believe it or not, many of the abnormals who are still stuck outside of Paradise still has the desire to help humanity, but they weren't powerful enough to fix EVERYTHING, they did what the could and at least gave them the resources they needed to stay alive (Hence why Humanity hasn't died out yet when they probably should have some time ago)

So yeah! Thats what Abnormals are as a Race and a little of their history, Will make a post at some point describing Paradise and what thats like now

Thursday, 25 April 2019


PARADISE is basically a story that is rather heavily inspired by the different version of Alice in wonderland and Coraline (The film, Mostly) along with several other things from random sources or stuff I came up with from my own mind.

The actual story itself is set in a dystopian future after a war that occurred centuries beforehand and the whole planet is now PRETTY much dead, save for some small areas. And in the whole planet, there is really only ONE place that is safe and is actually thriving, BUT it is only for the creatures that were discarded and brought to near extinction by humanity with their greed, rage and fear of the unknown.

These creatures are known as Abnormals, they are race of beings that came into existence after god himself made them to heal the planet as the humans were destroying it from the inside out with their greed and war. The humans then started a war with these new creatures and nearly brought them all to extinction in a very short war. So the Abnormals fled and claimed a new land they then called Paradise and, as a last gift to them, God made a 'bubble' around this land to keep them safe from humanity and the demons who started to target them as well.

While the abnormals thrived in Paradise, humanity tore itself apart and destroyed the world around them, leaving it barren and full of toxic air and trash with little life and resources remaining. Due to this, many of the remaining human population gathered together and made different societies across the planet, The goal was to survive and avoid fighting within themselves.

And for the most part, everything was somewhat stable, there was little fighting and they just tried to survive and help others survive as well as best as they could, They even quickly regretted the war and wished for the abnormals to come back and fix their mistakes. But, there was a small group of them who remained angry at abnormals, at god, at their own kind. these people separated from the rest of the world and made a city, they called it Malimoor.

they made this city and isolated themselves from the rest of humanity in it, and many humans joined them there and the city soon became populated of people who were also mad at the rest of the world and wanted to be separated, but when they entered, they were never allowed to leave.

As to avoid conflict in their small city the Founders of the city (The ones who originally separated and made the city) created ‘Founders law’ This made everyone lose their identity to make sure everything stayed in order. To make sure things stayed like this They made schools that taught future generations and only teach them the things they wanted them to learn which included lot’s of propaganda, They didn’t even tell them the entire truth about their history and made everyone think that the war wiped off all of the worlds life and the founder created this city for the last survivors (This is a lie). So that means that there was nothing outside of their city and it was a dead wasteland, though, granted, it sorta is but not in the way the founders wanted future generations to know

The residents of Malimoor for the most part are trained and brained washed to be brainless, almost robot-like with no individuality, husks of a human being, only purpose is to serve the city, build it and keep it going for future generations.

Though, in more recent generations, a small percentage of the residents of Malimoor started to rebel against the government, they are called the ‘defectors’. These people disobey and break founders law either privately or openly as they grew to hate it and wanted freedom and individuality.

but whenever a defector is found out they are hunted down by the government who then silence them. They have several ways of doing this and none of them are good and are often violent. Here’s a list.
They either:
Punish them severely either physically or mentally with torture,
Brainwashed and/or drugged,
Kidnapped and jailed for life and in most cases don’t tell the public or the family,
Publicly executed to deter future people defecting.
Taken to court where they are sentenced to one of these options (This does not happen very much),
Have some of their closest family and friends sentenced to one of these options.
Or a combination of multiple of these punishments

As to avoid detection all defectors do whatever they can to avoid being found. One way is the DUMP which lies just outside the city walls and it's really only place where Defectors can go where they can be themselves and free. Many live there and steal resources from the city (As they still believe that there is no other places to go to and survive other than Malimoor) though many still live in the city and regularly sneak out into the DUMP.

Although the dump is considered a haven for Defectors. The DUMP is actually quite a dangerous place for anybody to be in. Mostly because The piles of junk and old buildings are very unstable and large parts of them fall often and the air is very polluted and is not safe to breath in without a mask.
Also the walls that surrounds Malimoor is quite heavily guarded by city Authorities to make sure nobody goes into the dump and to catch any defectors who try to sneak back in for resources.

So the people who decide to risk going into the dump or back in will have to Avoid Authorities that will try to catch and punish them, Avoid large piles of junk falling on their heads and wear masks so they can avoid breathing in the pollution. Though each defector has their own way of surviving, and many have made secret paths and exits in the wall that are undetected and hard to find to anyone but them and if they have one, their group.

though every once in a while A defector is found going into the dump and when this happens they are punished cruelly.

To combat Defectors sneaking into the Dump the government developed DROIDS which are designed for tracking down defectors that stray outside of the city.

(The concept designs of these droids and how they function can be seen here;



Hello! I'm Dolly from VixartStudios (Or if you want to use my real name, Pelagia is fine, I don't mind which you use).

I am a 15 year old girl from New Zealand and i'm attending a high school in wellington (Won't say which one) and i love to draw!

I mainly do illustration, character art and character design, furry art and occasionally animation when I have an idea and the time.I also have a but ton of characters and I enjoy drawing them and using them for things.

I also love other things and have other interests outside of art, stuff like: Sleeping, My cats, music and watching cartoons! and I enjoy video games when I can (I mostly end up just playing mobile games on my phone though) I am also an avid D&D player and I probably watch way too much YouTube and NightCore.

A project i'm currently working on is a story called PARADISE that I hope to make a webcomic one day

The story itself follows the main character Elizabeth Blankley, she is an adventurous girl who struggles to obey the rules she is supposed to follow even though the place she lives in often punish disobedience with death (The place itself is Basically my worlds version of North Korea, if you wanted a more clear example of whats it's like).

The story starts when she is found out as a defector and she has to escape for fear of her own life, And with help of a mysterious pilot she is brought to Paradise. From there she will have to adjust to her new life there, At first everything seems perfect but after exploring with her new friends she will learn that everything is not what it seems and Paradise is not quite the perfect place she is made to believe it is and is indeed a lot darker than what is seen on the surface and there are many secrets she has to uncover.
So yeah! Expect to see a lot story stuff here, Though there will be a LOT of art being posted here, I'll TRY to keep it limited to PARADISE art and story related stuff and keep the other art I make to my social media accounts if possible.

Though apart from PARADISE, there are other projects I have ideas for and really want to do, So i'll just see where those go and what comes of them.

I hope you enjoy my blog!

If you like my stuff and want to other non-project related stuff on the regular, here are some of my social media sites.

 (This is currently my main site, though I plan try to move over to a different sites

(Starting to use this account more recently)
(I post here when I can, usually at least once a week, the videos are mostly going to be SpeedDraws but I hope to branch out a little in the future)