Thursday, 6 June 2019

Writing progress #1

Currently working on actually writing PARADISE and I thought, I'll just make a post saying what i've done, how much work is in it so far and maybe a couple sneak peaks. I plan to do this sort of thing every once in a while so people know i'm making progress.

So far I've rewritten the entire beginning portion of the story, took me a while but I just finished that.

I have a BUNCH of arcs and story plot points written out in a google doc, Most of which is actually more or less fully written, I just need to copy and paste that in when they happen in the story (Along with some amount of edits and rewrites)

and so far, I'm pretty happy with how it's looking right now, Only thing i DON'T like about it the dialogue. Dialogue is by far, the WEAKEST point in what i write. I on't know why, but whenever it comes to writing it, I STRUGGLE so hard and it's honestly dragging down my progress a lot.

So at this point, a LOT of the scenes with dialogue is just filled with (Insert convo here) with just a couple notes on what it's about, who's talking and what emotion is going on and if i have any, a few certain lines of dialogue and phrases being said or will be said.

As a sort of sneak peak, I'm just going to name SOME of the chapters i've done so far with a very basic description of what happens in it

Prologue: Is a very short prologue before the story starts. In this, Elizabeth is in a dream where she meets an odd figure

Chapter 1: The beginning: This is the beginning, We meet Elizabeth and see what life is like for her

Chapter 2: A very odd day: This is the day where everything for Elizabeth turned upside down and she needs the help of a mysterious man to get her out

Chapter 3: The aftermath: As the title suggests, this shows the aftermath of the previous chapter, Elizabeth is barley getting by. She is again assisted the a mysterious man

Chapter 4:Strange encounters: She finally sets foot in Paradise, And she meets some weird people and creatures

There are more chapters, But this is all i'm gonna say about the chapters for now

Also, In PARADISE (Up to this point) there is a fairly big focus on dreams, Elizabeth's dreams (In fact, Each chapter so far starts with either a dream sequence or a nightmare sequence) and later on in the story there is a whole event/character arc for Elizabeth that is pretty much focused on dreams, Again, Elizabeth's dreams. And that arc in particular is my most FAVORITE arc i've written so far, It's probably one of the best things I've written so far for PARADISE.

I do not know if i'll be able to keep the theme of dreams throughout the whole thing, but i'm sure as hell gonna try to keep that a constant theme throughout.

And...I think thats about all I can say right now.

I hope you like what you see

Drink me (Concept art)

This is the finished products of some concept art I've been working on for PARADISE

This piece is particular is heavily inspired by a very specific arc thats happens in the story.
This arc in particular is by far my FAVOURITE one i've written so far. I can't say TOO much on the arc itself right now, So have this for the time being.

Also, there is a speed drawing vid to go along with this, here's link if you wanna see that